Thursday, May 23, 2013

Moderator speaks

This blog was created mainly to make a place where chiropractic documents would remain available. At the time Board of Chiropractic Medicine online posts were often short lived.

I named it tongue in cheek, chiro (chiropractic) philia (love of), or love of chiropractic, the healing profession I dearly love as a patient since I was 14 years old and as a chiropractor for the last 33 years.

The Chirophilia name also sound like a perversion, and this is very much the problem I deal with, the perversion of this healing art. Hence the disciplinary actions, fraud convictions, and regulatory actions are dealt with here.

In later years the internet has had less disappearing documents and I haven't updated the site.

I may soon reactivate it. The perversions of the art are no less active, and new problems need addressing.

Don Morris DC